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volunteer handbook
PLEASE NOTE: Prospective Volunteers must click through and read all pages of the Volunteer Handbook to access the online Volunteer Application and Waiver.

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 The café will provide aprons and gloves for your shift but due to health and safety regulations, we ask that you please follow these guidelines when coming to volunteer:

  • Modest style of dress that is comfortable to work in is requested 

  • NO Excessively short, tight, revealing clothing or “short” shorts

  • NO Clothing with offensive language or displays of alcohol, tobacco, etc.

  • NO Exposed midriff or undergarments

  • NO Excessively stained, ripped, or tattered clothes

  • As per health code requirements, closed-toe shoes ONLY (no sandals or flip-flops). Comfortable, non-slip shoes are recommended.

  • Minimal jewelry for cooking purposes, safety and risk of loss

  • Please avoid using perfume/cologne

  • Long hair must be tied back (hats, head scarves or hair net may be necessary) 



















If you are not feeling well before your shift, we urge you to stay home to recover and to volunteer with us another time. Please remember to contact us as soon as possible to cancel your shift. If you begin to feel unwell during your shift, please let a supervisor know.


Remember to stay hydrated throughout your shift and help yourself to any of the beverages we have available but please consume them in the designated break areas of the café.


Do not continue performing a task if it is causing you any distress. We want all volunteers to feel comfortable with their service. If you begin a task and need to switch later, please simply let a supervisor know and we will accommodate you as best we can.


Before volunteering, please inform the café manager if you or someone in your household has symptoms of illness and/or confirmation of one of the following illnesses:


  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Fever or sore throat with a fever

  • Infected cuts, wounds, or lesions containing pus on the hand, wrist, or exposed body part which may come into contact with food or food contact surfaces

  • Chills/Sweats

  • Body Aches or Dizziness

  • Persistent sneezing, coughing or a runny nose that causes discharges from your eyes, nose, or mouth

  • COVID-19 or recent exposure to COVID-19 and any other communicable illnesses*


*Knead Community Café will be following the most up to date COVID-19 guidelines as recommended by state and local governances and will expect all volunteers and visitors to comply.

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