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volunteer handbook
PLEASE NOTE: Prospective Volunteers must click through and read all pages of the Volunteer Handbook to access the online Volunteer Application and Waiver.

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  • Cloths used for cleaning spills should not be used for anything else and changed frequently.

  • Wear clean and appropriate clothing and follow the dress code. Maintain personal cleanliness and hygiene habits.

  • Wear a bandage over wounds and a glove over the bandage.

  • Remove rings (except plain bands), bracelets, watches, or other hand/wrist accessories for safety.

  • Use proper hair restraints: long hair in a ponytail or bun, wear baseball hat, hairnet, scarf or bandana.

  • The use of tobacco products is prohibited in the Café

  • Avoid unsanitary actions, such as chewing gum, or blowing nose while around food or food-contact surfaces.

  • Keep fingernails groomed.

  • Remove apron and hang on designated hook outside of bathroom door before entering restroom.

  • No snacking while serving. If you need or desire a short break, please tell a supervisor and sit at a table to enjoy refreshments. Please do not snack in areas such as midway or beverage counter where you can be viewed by our patrons.


When to Change Gloves: (May change based on current CDC guidelines)

  • As soon as gloves become soiled or torn.

  • When possible cross contamination occurs, i.e.: touching face, nose, dirty items

  • Before beginning a different task.

  • After handling raw meat, poultry or seafood.

  • Before handling Ready-to-Eat foods.


Wash Hands After:

  • Using the restroom.

  • Handling raw meat (before and after).

  • Taking out the garbage, cleaning/or bussing tables.

  • Touching the hair, face or body.

  • Sneezing, coughing or using a tissue, eating, drinking, smoke break, or chewing gum.

  • Handling disinfectant, cleaning products, or chemicals.



  • When possible, volunteers should leave any valuable personal belongings at home or in their car to prevent theft.

  • Fire extinguishers are in the kitchen, conference room, at front exit and in the dry goods storage room if needed for fire safety.

  • First aid kits are in the mid-hallway outside of the kitchen and at beverage station.

  • Wipe up spills immediately and place yellow caution sign near wet area.

  • Report accidents and defective equipment or tools to Manager.

  • Use caution when picking up hot items or lifting heavy items, and alert others nearby when carrying anything hot. Use hand carts when necessary.

  • Use caution when handling knives or other café equipment.

  • Be especially careful while walking to and from the ramp leading to the kitchen.



Knead Community Cafe is committed to the highest ethical standards. Based on the

unique trust placed in KCC to serve the public good, we have a special obligation to

act ethically. The success of Knead Community Cafe and our reputation depends upon

the ethical conduct of everyone affiliated with us. The Board of Directors, Staff, and

Volunteers set an example for each other by pursuit of excellence in high standards of

performance, professionalism, and ethical conduct.



A personal commitment to integrity in all circumstances benefits everyone. We therefore:

  • Strive to meet the highest standards of performance, quality, service and achievement in working towards the Knead Community Café mission.

  • Communicate honestly and openly, and avoid misrepresentation.

  • Promote a working environment where honestly, open communication and opinions are valued.

  • Exhibit respect and fairness toward all those with whom we come into contact.



The most responsive contributors are those who have the opportunity to become informed and involved. We therefore:

  • Promote voluntary giving with supporters.

  • Refrain from any use of coercion in fundraising activities.



Knead Community Cafe is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the principle of diversity. We therefore:

  • Value and embrace diversity in all aspects of Knead Community Cafe activities and respect others without regard to race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, or status as of a qualified disabled or handicapped individual.

  • Support affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs throughout Knead Community Cafe.

  • Refuse to engage in or tolerate in any other form of discrimination or harassment.

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